Monday, January 23, 2006

First Communion Attire and Regulations

Since we are preparing Emily for First Communion this year (Sunday May 7, 2006), we've had some questions as to why the girls wear white dresses and veils. Also, why must Catholics, as apposed to non-Catholics, go through the process of the sacrement. Here's what we've found so far:

Why do girls making their First Communion wear white dresses and veils?

White clothing has been a long-standing tradition dating back to the early church when the sacraments of initiation was administered together at the Easter Vigil. "New white garments" were worn throughout the season to symbolize new birth, purity and resurrection.
from :

First Communion is like a wedding where Jesus becomes one with us, and we become one with Him. This is why when little girls receive Jesus for the first time they dress in white, with veils, like Brides in a wedding. Little boys dress in suits too, like Bridegrooms. For it is at First Communion that we begin to share in the eternal marriage feast of the Lord!
from :

What is Holy Communion and why can't non-Catholics receive it in the Catholic Church?

In Roman Catholicism, Holy Communion is a Sacrament that children often receive when they are age seven, and had their first Sacrament of Penance. Catholics believe that the Eucharist is the body of Jesus Christ.

Non-Catholics wonder why they can't take Holy Communion in a Catholic church. The reason is that Catholics believe that the bread and wine used in Communion are Jesus Christ. It is not denying others of Christ, but it is the principal of taking something that you do not believe. Most other Christian religions believe that Communion is a symbol of Christ, and not actually Jesus.

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