Saturday, January 28, 2006

There's a Spine Up There!!!

Way to stick to it in Denmark.

It seems the Saudi's have pulled thier ambassador and are now boycotting Danish products over the 12 cartoons depicting Mohammed that appeared in a Danish paper. According to the article, the Danish Prime Minister (Anders Rasmussen) refused to meet with ambassadors from 11 muslim countries. He said he has no control over the Danish press “and nor do I want such”.

Here's the problem with this: No country should honor or try to enforce the laws of any other country within their own borders. No Muslim cartoons in Saudi Arabia? Fine with me, if that is the law in Saudi Arabia, but don't try to enforce your laws in other countries with different values or cultures. We respect your laws, you respect our laws.

So - no lager, bacon, ham, salted pork, or Little Mermaid keepsakes are being sold in Saudi Arabia. OH the horrors!!! And don't forget the Akvavit!

I mean, how could you NOT want some of this:

It's beyond me...

Speaking of Denmark, How can we not fondly remember the newly established diplomatic relationship (which as been quite fruitful of late).

Check out these fancy Denmark Ladies getting a tour of a local historic site by the Flying Nun:

The beauty and serenity of Copenhagen:

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