Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Quote Du Jour...

It has been a tough month (or year) for many members of my family. Each day, I try to take a moment and reflect on the blessings I have in my life. A loving family, kids excited to see me at the end of a long day, good health, food on the table, a cold beer....

Here is a quote from Thomas Merton that helps me to keep my focus and perspective in a very busy and often demanding world:

If we have the Spirit of God in our hearts,

we will live by His law of charity

inclined always to peace rather than disension,

to humility rather than arrogance,

to obedience rather than rebellion,

to purity and temperance,

to simplicity and quietness and calm,

to strength, generosity, and wisdom,

to prudence and all-embracing justice,

and we will love others more than ourselves.

No Man is an Island
Thomas Merton, 1955
The Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani

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