Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Humor Du Jour...

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I think Waldo's other name should be 'Money.' Where does it go??? Why does it leave so quickly? Money used to stick around much longer. I feel so used and neglected in our relationship anymore.

We shoudl replace Waldo's name and image with Eric's name and photo.
Eric who?

I suggest Waldo be replaced with Mary's bunny. Old beat up stuffed animal that LOVES to hide, especially when Mary sticks it in weird places and then forgets. Like...
in the bathtub that we don't use.

in her coat in the closet.

under a pillow on the couch.


under my desk.

on a dining room chair in the morning.

buried in her bed covers.

I've been secretly loosening the threads a little at a time. I give the wretched bunny one more month and then it will suddenly collapse into a pile of thread and stuffing. Oh what a moment that will be. Can you hear her now????
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