Saturday, December 02, 2006

On Pets

Kraken Writes:

As the years pass I notice many people feel the desire to own an animal. Now, I can sort of understand this need, when the children are in their formative years, the PET is just another toy.

However, as some of these folks reach later life, the need to have a barn yard animal living in their house is beyond my comprehension. Mind you, an animal that is fed and cared for without any intention of eating it, or of getting meat, eggs or milk from it boggles my mind. Of course I can accept hunting dogs, watch dogs and sheep dogs, which, I might add, do not dwell in the house.

I have a certain amount of pity for these superficial folks, who, apparently, have never cultivated love of family and/or attained the respect of friends. I suppose these folks really don’t like themselves or even enjoy being alone. They alter their attention between their pampered beast and the remote.

Can they not sit and ponder a beautiful painting, hatched from an artist’s mind and transferred to canvas with great skill? Can they not saver a well-written story from an author who is at the top of his/her craft? Can they not marvel at the arrangement of notes that produce a pleasing and uplifting sound? Can they not create something with their hands that will justify their very existence?

Alas, I think not. More is the waste and the pity.

In any food market, you will find an entire section devoted to worthless barnyard animals, living in homes. These fortunate chemically and genetically* altered beasts eat and live better than 80% of the world’s people. The contribution of these people to society is nothing more than economic, that is, nothing of lasting value.

That’s my opinion!

*Too bad this methodology can’t be applied to the more savage members of our society.

Do pet fish count?
How about birds like parakeets or parrots? How about kids? Do they count as pets? I need some more clarification here. Oh and I heard the PETA people are bugging your house...
Although I do enjoy spending time with myself, one can only wonder if it might have anything to do with the nasty, insulting, mean spiritedness of people I know and love, but can't honestly say like.

You should be careful who you include within the relm of the 'more savage members of our society.' My dog is the only grandchild you going to get from me. Enjoy your bitterness!
scathing comments from GI Jane. At least she is not armed yet....or you might be getting more than just words!
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