Sunday, December 10, 2006

Winter Wonderland

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This pic is from about three weeks ago. The first snowy day of the season. The kids are on the freshly shoveled pile of snow at the end of our driveway. They had a blast, of course.

That's Mary (age 3), Nicholas (age 4), Emily (age 9 or 17, depending on her mood), and Connor (age 7). In front is Jillian, our next door neighbor's daughter. It was a balmy 45 degrees today and almost all of the snow is gone. The kids are hoping for more by Christmas!

QoD Award

The Question of the Day award for today goes to Nicholas. I was working on one of the kitchen cabinet doors while he watched (as usual). Out of the blue, Nicholas asks me:

"Dad, it would be pretty funny if all the screws in the whole world just fell out of what they were holding together, wouldn't it?"

I suppose it would be pretty funny Nicholas.

Just imagine!

Screws are turned in clockwise, which is also the direction of the earth's rotation. If the earth started rotate in the opposite direction, then all the screws all over the world would fall out.
Also we would go back in time- (see Superman 1). It happens.
Uncle Joe
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