Friday, October 24, 2008

October Birthdays

Can you smell it in the air??? Yes, cakes are in the oven and Birthday season has again arrived in the Schmidt house. The clammering for presents, the drooling over potential booty, the sugar highs and lows, the wails of those not worthy of having October Birthdays.....

We had some of the neighbor kids over for a mystery game. It was a lot of fun and laughs were abundant, especially when one of the kids characters got engaged!! The kids did great and had a blast.

The Birthday Girl thanking her fans. She declined autograph requests claiming it would mess up her new manicure. Her adoring fans were crushed, but supportive. Especially when she said she did not really know Bill A., he was just some guy in the neighborhood....

Lighting the cake was a challenge as the DROOL from the Birthday twins kept dripping on the cake and putting out the candles.

Emily seems to be handling the high dose infusion of sucrose very well. Nicholas, on the other hand, looks like his head is about to explode. Guess we better get his pancreas checked out.

Oh wait, now I know why he was upset. He found out our new policy to to re-distribute stuff, and is not very happy at having to share his birthday haul with those whose birthdays are not in October. Oh well, Nicholas, mediocrity is the 'New Deal' is what I hear...

After the party, Phillies fans having a blast!!!! Mary looks very prepared for that pop-up, doesn't she??? In another month, it will probably be snowballs!!!

Have a great day everyone!


Connor complained that I did not put a picture of him on this post (see comment #2). To remedy this slight, and in order to be fair and equitable to all children, regadless of birthday status, here is a picture of Connor. Whining does work sometimes...

This is a picture from an arts festival we went to last summer by the city library. The kids made the artwork by cutting and sticking this black plastic to cardboard, then it was lavished with ink. A piece of paper was placed on top, then a steam roller was driven over it. Very impressive!!!

Great pics John! Thanks for posting.

The kids have gotten so big! WOW!

Thomas is a spitting image of Nicholas!
We have to get these kids together soon.
Hi Uncle Joe (the Godfather),
So, what's up with Dad having pics of those weiners Emily, Nicholas, and Mary, but none of me???? It is just not right and I'm going to give him a timeout.

Best wished to everyone in Phillies Land. oh yeah, lots of Rays fans in my class, but they are just silly.

sincerely Connor.
Hi all,
Connor is the weiner, not me.
My birthday was fun. I am getting a wooden recorder from Dad and Mom.
How is everyone back in Philadelphia? It was a bummer that the Phillies game was stopped because of the rain.

It is cold and there was snow on Sunday, although nothing stayed on the ground.

When is someone from the Schmidt Family going to VISIT US!!!!!

Love Emily.
Looks like they had a wonderful party.

Thank you for stopping by my blog. Nice to meet you. :)

Connor, good man- I couldn't agree more. Your Dad needs a timeout for not including your pic in the recent post. I'm thinking loss if internet privileges for 7 days, and then until your next birthday he has to use a great pic of you as his email signature.

When do you think it would be appropriate to commence this judgment?

Uncle Joe
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